You Have a Vision for Your Life—

Let Us Design your Land to Match It.


Apply for a Concept Design to discover the highest form of what your land can become. We can help you transform your land into the abundant homestead of your dreams.

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The Problem

Homesteading is complex, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Many homesteaders find themselves overwhelmed by unclear goals, information overload, and scattered plans. Without the right guidance, costly trial-and-error mistakes can waste time, money, and energy.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone. In Takota Coen’s book, Building Your Permaculture Property, he identifies the common struggles many homesteaders face:

  • I don't know what I should do
  • I don't know where to look
  • I don't know how it all fits
  • I don't know where to start
  • I don't know when it will end

Our Concept Design service was created to help you overcome these challenges and design a homestead that matches your dreams for the future.

We only accept a limited number of design clients each year to ensure that every project receives the attention it deserves. To get started, we invite you to apply for a Concept Design. This allows us to learn more about your property, your personal vision, and your values—so we can determine if our services are the right fit for you.

How it Works:

  1. Apply for a Concept Design
  2. Get a Clear Holistic Plan
  3. Build Your Homestead

With a clear plan and a team of experts backing you up- you can take the steps you need to create a thriving homestead. 

Apply for a Design

Our 5-Step Process to Build Your Homestead

When we complete a Concept Design for our clients, we use the 5-Step Permaculture Process as discussed in Takota's book "Building Your Permaculture Property". Here is a brief introduction to each of the steps of our design process.


"When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go where we've already been. If process drives the outcome we may not know where we're going, but we will know we want to be there."
-Bruce Mau


1. Clarify Your Vision

Step One: Clarify Your Vision, Values, and Resources.

The infinite possibilities to consider when Building Your Homestead can be significantly reduced when you take the time to consider the questions; What do you want? What do you have? What is right?

We help our clients create a clear vision for the future they want on their property. 


"If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable"
- Seneca

2. Diagnose Your Resources

Step Two: Diagnose Your Resources for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats. 

Every single property has at least one piece of hidden information that, if discovered, changes everything for the better. And if not discovered, for the worse. 

Diagnosis is the most valuable part of the whole process. It is also the part most homesteaders try to skip! There's cheap, fast and good, and you can only pick two. Assuming you want a good diagnosis you only have two options: pay a good consultant to speed up the process or take the time to do it yourself.

We merge our client's individual skills, observations and knowledge of their land with our skills, experience and advanced digital mapping to make discoveries that most homesteaders miss. 

"A correct diagnosis is three-fourths the remedy"
- Mahatma Gandhi

3. Design to Match your Vision

Step Three: Design Your Resources to Match Your Vision and Values

The secret to design is, it's actually the easy part! A good design is the natural and inevitable outcome of thorough clarification and diagnosis. It's not an exaggeration to say that when we do a good job of steps one and two, the design ideas jump off the page. 

We remove all of the ideas that are not suited to our client's vision and values and focus on maximum synergies between the most useful and efficient elements which best serve our client's goals.


"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

4. Implement The Right Design

Step Four: Implement The Right Design to Improve Your Weakest Resource

When you are developing a property, you need a quick framework that gets all stakeholders quickly onboard and allows you to make decisions you can trust.

We provide our clients with a clear framework and include follow up support with each design to help make good decisions. We also offer mentorship services available into the future, long after the design phase has completed. For clients local to Alberta, we may also be available for on-site project management.  


"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare"
- Japanese proverb
Learn about our Mentorship Services

5. Monitor Your Resources

Step Five: Monitor Your Resources for Indicators of Well-being or Suffering

Well-being is the ongoing pursuit of the best within yourself, while encouraging all other organisms to do the same. Suffering is simply feedback for bad design. 

We help our clients in all 5 stages of the process. Our mentorship services are tailored perfectly for clients as they implement and monitor the right design on their homestead.  

"More accurate measure of an inappropriate criteria isn't particularly clever"
- Johan Zeitsman

What Is Concept Design? 

Transform your land with a personalized Concept Design. Our team, led by Takota Coen, offers a tailored design experience that combines your vision, values, and the potential of your land into a cohesive, actionable plan.

We specialize in arranging and integrating all of your desired elements within your property. The primary aim of Concept Design is to address the questions: What elements do you need? Where do they need to be placed? Why do they need to be placed there?

Concept Design is NOT 

While our Concept Designs are accurately scaled by our professional landscape architect, they are NOT detailed construction drawings.

Our focus is on designing the optimal placement of elements. We do not specify plant species, building materials, precise measurements of fencing or water lines, etc. Any necessary adjustments to comply with local guidelines during construction are the responsibility of the client and/or builders.

Every Concept Design Package Includes: 

Signed Copy of Building Your Permaculture Property
Multiple Plan View Drawings of Your Entire Property
Plan View Drawings of Your Daily Chore Path (Zone 1)
Realistic perspective images showcasing your property post-construction
Top recommendations for development over the next 3-5 years
3 hours of follow-up consulting with Takota after the design phase


  • Gain Clarity on Your Vision, Values and Resources
  • Professional Quality Design and Renderings
  • Gain Insights and Ideas You Never Imagined
  • Receive Expert Mentorship
  • Build the Homestead of Your Dreams

Our 10X Guarantee

We believe so strongly in the value of our services that we offer a 10X guarantee. If we don’t deliver ten times the return on your investment—in avoided costly mistakes, seized opportunities, or new business ventures—we’ll refund your money.

Still have questions or not sure where to start? 

Let's talk about it!

Your homesteading future is filled with opportunity and fulfillment. Don’t let uncertainty or lack of knowledge keep you from achieving freedom and abundance! There’s no better time to start building your dream homestead. Book a free 15 minute conversation to see if we can help you.

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Hear what our design clients are saying...

200 Acre Farm Vermont, USA

"Couldn’t imagine being this far along with so few “uh-oh’s” if we hadn’t made the decision to leverage the practical, easy to follow advice …if you get the chance to hire them— Do it! You won’t regret it."

 Chad and Stacey Annis

481 Acre Ranch Cranbrook, BC

"The permaculture plan arrived ...and it blew us away!  It has more care and detail than we expected...He thought of 100 things that we didn't."

Property Owners

520 Acre Farm Bashaw, AB

"Takota, Chris and Kevin are a perfect team bringing years of practical experience, dedicated research and technical proficiency"

Rita Reich